June 17, 2016 - The Headwater Moments Travel Blog

10 Things to Pack for a Walking Holiday

You’re looking forward to your Headwater walking holiday; a well-earned break rambling through beautiful countryside, exploring local villages, or drinking in the mountain views. But soon it will be time to pack. To make sure you have everything you need, here’s leading blogger Heather Cowper’s recommended checklist…   1. Comfortable walking boots Comfortable walking boots […]

Timeout in Tuscany: Ten Minutes with Headwater’s Walking Guide

We caught up with Headwater’s Tuscany and The Cinque Terre guide, Elisabetta Piseddu, to find out what she loves about this timeless area of Italy… How long have you been guiding Headwater’s Tuscany and The Cinque Terre walk? Three years, although I’ve been working as a guide since 2007 so it’s certainly something I love! Have […]