
South Luangwa Walking Safari

Trip code: W07ZA

Guided group walking

7 nights,

Level: 2


  • Operated by our sister company, Exodus
  • Stay in exclusive, small luxury bushcamps
  • Exceptional guided walking safaris in rich game areas
  • Travel with expert local guides


  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Management by our sister company, Exodus
  • Comprehensive route directions
  • Services of an experienced walking guide


The jewel in Zambia's national parks is South Luangwa, with over 9000 square kilometres of untouched wilderness, ox-bow lagoons, riverine vegetation and amazing accommodation. This is the place to enjoy a spectacular walking safari with expert guides, moving on from one magnificent small camp to the next. You will experience Africa's wildlife up close and at eye level. The park is home to elephant, buffalo, hippo, zebra and giraffe, as well as lion and hyena to name but a few, but perhaps its most famous residents are the leopard and the most colourful bird life in southern Africa. This is a Premium adventure in every sense as each night we relax in the most exclusive, small luxury bush camps in Africa.




Day 1: Start Lusaka; fly to Mfuwe; transfer to our luxury lodge.

Following the arrival of the group flight, we connect with a short internal flight to Mfuwe. On arrival, we will transfer by road to Mfuwe Lodge - a journey of approximately 45 minutes on mainly good quality, tarmaced roads. The afternoon is free to relax and recover in the lodges beautiful surroundings.

Accommodation: Mfuwe Lodge or similar

Comfortable Hotel

Day 2: Walking safaris and game drives in South Luangwa N.P.; time is split between two luxury bush camps.

These five days are the core days of the trip, each will consist of roughly the following itinerary, however as with all safari trips a degree of flexibility is required to accommodate for local weather and wildlife conditions and the location of our accommodation.

We start each day bright and early before sunrise with a wake-up call from the guides, and after breakfast we head out on our morning activities just as the sun peaks over the horizon. The morning activity will usually be a long bush walk where you'll learn about the native flora and fauna of the South Luangwa Valley.

The walk will usually be between three and four hours in duration, with plenty of stops to take in the beautiful surroundings. Local armed escort scouts and guides accompany all walks, as you may come across some of the parks bigger animals: it is not uncommon to see giraffe, elephant or lion. The morning walk is a good time to spot where there has been nocturnal activity; it is also at this time of day, before the heat builds up, that much of the parks wildlife is on the move.

We return to camp around 10:30 to 11:00 am at which point brunch is served. You will eat with your guides and camp manager who will be happy to discuss subjects as diverse as the local habitat or Zambian culture, or specifics about the wildlife.

After brunch there is time to relax during the heat of the day, retiring to your room to catch up on rest or to simply watch the wildlife from the comfort of the bushcamp veranda or your own room. Each camp is well situated with views over the surrounding plains, river or a local water hole. Before the afternoon walk or game drive, afternoon tea and refreshments will be served.

In the afternoon we will usually go on a game drive (sometimes a short walk instead) which will end at the perfect spot for 'sundowners' - here a small bar will be set up with plentiful drinks and snacks, and as you watch the sunset over the African bush the memories of the day’s magical moments will inevitably be discussed. Like the morning walk, which takes place before the sun gets too high, this game drive makes the most of the low light - ideal for photography - and also the cooler climate as the heat drops out of the day, again it is the perfect time to see some of the local inhabitants at their most active.

Following sunset, depending on which camp we are at, we'll either return to camp to relax around the fire with pre-dinner cocktails or take a short night game drive.

On days when we move from one camp to the next all luggage and personal belongings will be transported for you. At all camps a vehicle is available for those who would prefer a game drive.

Luxury Bushcamp

Day 3: Return to Mfuwe.{BOLD}{BREAK}{NOBOLD}

Today we spend a final day wildlife viewing before we return to Mfuwe, leaving South Luangwa behind us.

Accommodation: Mfuwe Lodge or similar

Comfortable Hotel

Day 4: Short flight back to Lusaka.

An early start for our flight back to Lusaka. Those on the group flight will connect immediately with their international flight.


We do not currently have departure dates and prices available on-line. The season may have ended for this tour, or we are still in the process of adding these details to our website.

Please contact our sales team on 0044 1606 720199 to for further details or to discuss alternavie trip options.


Excellent help from the agent, Tony.
Very knowledgeable & helpful.
She was able to clarify many points & provided detailed train information for our transfers.

Martine Pariset Shepherd, 12 Mar 2024


Elizabeth Anne Aldren Thompson, 4 Nov 2023

Very efficient and friendly

28 Oct 2023

1 Jan 1970

Guided group walking

7 nights,

Level: 2

This trip is currently unavailable, please call us for further details.

Call: +44 1606 720199