Portugal : The Azores

Walking the Natural Treasure of Sao Miguel

Trip code: W07AO

Self-guided walking

7 nights,
single centre

Level: 2

Navigation App


  • Sao Miguel is the 'Green Island' with protected landscapes, verdant hillsides and natural parks.
  • Explore dramatic volcanic scenery - azure crater lakes, natural spas and hot springs
  • Treat yourself to delicious cuisine with unique seafood and a large variety of local fish


  • 7 nights accommodation
  • All breakfasts and 1 lunch
  • Navigation app
  • Airport transfers


In Sao Miguel, the largest island in the Azores, explore this enviable landscape of forest-wrapped volcanic peaks, azure lakes, carpet of wild flowers; the deep volcanic craters and the breath-taking landscapes across the island.

Admire the colourful palette of Sao Miguel named 'The Green Island' with lush landscapes and rolling, verdant hillsides, the candy-coloured hydrangeas and the hot pink azaleas contrasting with the deep blue of the ocean.

Experience the hot thermal waters with natural spa and hot springs. Taste the unique 'Cozido das Furnas' a dish slowly cooked in the ground thanks to the local geothermal conditions. Food lovers will enjoy lobster and large variety of fresh fishes and seafood, tropical fruits such as pineapple the local star and world class tea from the local plantations 100% organic.




Day 1: Arrival at Ponta Delgada

Transfer from the airport to your hotel. Discover the main sites of this city with more than 450 years of history.

You stay at MS Vila Nova Hotel.

hotel details


MS Vila Nova Hotel, Ponta Delgada



MS Vila Nova is a hotel full of charm and tradition located in the town centre of Ponta Delgada, in a walking distance of the historic sites and the vibrant market, bars and restaurants.

Day 2: Lagoa das Furnas 9.5km (6 MII)

Transfer in the morning. Your walk will follow the trail in the mystical Furnas Valley is the center of São Miguel's unique geothermal activity. Here you can visit two active volcanic sites to see the boiling caldeiras in action, as well as the gorgeous Terra Nostra Park.

After the walk, head to the lake’s hot springs to appreciate the “pote” with the lunch stew coming out of the ground, where it has been cooking for 6 hours using the volcano heat.

To perfectly end this day, relax and bath in the thermal hot water pool in the Garden. Transfer to your hotel.

Day 3: Mata do Canario, Sete Cidades 11.8km (7.5MI)

Today you will walk through the Azores’ most famous postcard image, in the protected area of Sete Cidades. Listed as one of the “7 Wonders of Portugal” this is the absolute best spot to fully appreciate the breath-taking views over the mystical blue and green lakes. The trail proceeds along the upper edge of the crater, then while going up the path, a panoramic view over São Miguel and the coastlines, can be simultaneously appreciated. Transfer to the hotel

Day 4: Praia and Lagoa do Fogo 12km (12.5MI)

Lagoa Do Fogo is located in the crater of an extinct volcano and surrounded by lush endemic vegetation. You will be amazed by the emerald waters contrasting with white sandy beaches. This place inspires contemplative and peaceful moments in silence. Enjoy your walk through this natural park and admire wonderful views over the island coastline.

Day 5: Salto do Prego 5km (3MI)

Transfer to Faial da Terra. A steep climb will guide you to Sanguinho – an abandoned village surrounded by a beautiful, lush vegetation. Continue to Salto do Prego, where the waterfall invites you for a dip. Then on your way back, admire stunning views over the ocean.

Day 6: At Ponta Delgada

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to observe the maritime wildlife, with whale and dolphin watching tour.

Ease along picturesque cobblestone streets. Visit the iconic monument of Portas da Cidade and the Mother Church of Saint Sebastian, one of the oldest and most important buildings in town. Enjoy the local vibrant market where you can find the main product that comes from our land and our sea.

Day 7: Cascata Salto do Cabrito 8.5km (5MI)

Transfer to Caldeiras of Ribeira Grande, one of the thermal areas of the island of São Miguel. Along this trail cross a dense forest, streams and a Geothermal Power Station. Then reach the impressive 40 meters high waterfall Salto do Cabrito and its wonderful lagoon with clear crystal waters. After your walk, enjoy an invigorating bath in thermal water or alternatively you can have a pure moment of relaxation with a volcanic mud massage.

Day 8: Leave Sao Miguel

Transfer from your hotel to the airport


We do not currently have departure dates and prices available on-line. The season may have ended for this tour, or we are still in the process of adding these details to our website.

Please contact our sales team on 0044 1606 720199 to for further details or to discuss alternavie trip options.


Responsive and helpful.Quick turnaround and named representative.

Alan Swift, 24 Jan 2024

Efficient and polite. We had already chosen our holiday - so it was simply a case of fixing flights and trip dates

21 Jan 2024

Kate Hatton has been superb throughout. Her help in us finding such an excellent holiday was considerable. Also, the range of holidays available through Headwater is second to none.

Jonathan Moreland, 16 Oct 2023

Self-guided walking

7 nights,
single centre

Level: 2

Navigation App

This trip is currently unavailable, please call us for further details.

Call: +44 1606 720199