Caring about the environment and its people

In a world increasingly aware of the harm that tourism can do, helping to protect the environment - both at home and overseas - is very important to us.

Headwater holidays are all about getting you to places you can't go in a car and, as such, are much more environmentally friendly than traditional "fly and flop" fortnights on the beach! In fact, last year, Headwater walkers hiked a staggering 462,000 kilometres; our cyclists pedalled an amazing 520,000 kilometres; our canoeists paddled an impressive 9,000 kilometres, and our dedicated cross country skiers notched up a further 39,000 kilometres. That makes a record-breaking total of 1,030,000 carbon neutral kilometres in just 12 months!

How you can help

By thinking about how you choose your holiday, and how you travel, you can reduce energy consumption and waste - whilst still enjoying your travels to the full.

With the ever growing awareness of our impact on the planet, many people are now looking into ways to reduce their carbon emissions or to offset their effects. In addition to alternative travel choices, we encourage our customers to offset the carbon emissions from their travel to help reduce environmental impact.

With the ever growing awareness of our impact on the planet, many people are now looking into ways to reduce their carbon emissions or to offset their effects. Many of our European destinations can be reached by a combination of Eurostar and high-speed rail links (with lower emissions than an equivalent flight) - and our sales team will be happy to provide you with a tailor-made quote for Eurostar/rail packages where this is possible. However you choose to travel you can easily calculate the carbon emissions for your journey and make a donation to offset their effects.

The Exodus Travel Foundation

Here at Headwater, and at our sister company Exodus Travels, we are all passionate about the power of travel to make a positive impact on the world around us. We work hard to make sure our adventures empower and protect the communities and environments we take people to visit and we are thrilled to support this goal further through the Exodus Travels Foundation.

To read more about the foundation, its goals and its projects click here.

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